Table Tennis = Fun


Well, I just typed a very long and beautifully written impression of Rockstar’s Table Tennis. And then it got zapped. So it’s gone for good and I’m pretty damned pissed.

Suffice it to say that Table Tennis represents a pure form of gaming. It’s delicious and delectable and whatever other food related adjective you’d like to throw at it. I’d suggest you go rent it as soon as possible.

Peter Moore and the Great BC Calamity

That SHIRT is out of context! Oh snap.

In a bit of damage control during Major Nelson’s latest podcast blogcast, Peter Moore stated that his previous comments on backwards compatibility were taken out of context. Apparently the comments came in answer to a question about Microsoft’s original—and admittedly vague—back compat plans. I.e. Microsoft went from having nebulous plans at E3 ’05 to having quite a few back compat titles. See? Sounds better that way, doesn’t it? At any rate, more than twenty new titles are being added to the back compat list, including Doom III and the lovable Lego Star Wars.

According to Xboxic, the podcast…er…blogcast also has some of the Moore-man’s thoughts on E3 and Wii. I’d listen to it myself, but it is forbidden by the evil office web filter. Man, I’ve got to get an iPod so I can listen to all these podcasts. Wait, blogcasts. Damn it.

Phantasy Star Universe Trailer

Is that a laser sword in your pocket? 

This has been out for a while and I’m actually surprised there hasn’t been more coverage of it. This PSU trailer shows off the online aspect of the game. I’ve talked to some people that saw the game at E3, and it looks like the single player is going to fall short of its lofty promises. That’s unfortunate, but I doubt anyone will cry about it for long when they start playing online. In short, the online aspects of PSU look more robust in every way. The player hubs—entire cities now, not just a lobby—look very cool. There’s also some trading going on. The combat also looks much more dynamic, and the addition of two more players just makes everything look much grander. But, you can see all that for yourself. Find the video after the break.

Continue reading “Phantasy Star Universe Trailer”

Tingle Gets His Own Effing Game?

God, he's weird.

Have you ever bolted upright in the middle of the night, yanked from a deep sleep, covered in sweat, and wondered why effeminate fairy wannabe Tingle doesn’t have his own game? Well, rest easy friend because it’s finally happening.

That’s right, Tingle will soon be starring in his own DS adventure entitled—I kid you not—Fresh Tingle’s Rose Coloured Rupee Land. Granted, that’s translated from the Japanese title and it will surely change for other territories, but come on!

Clearly, somebody over at Nintendo thinks that Tingle is pure gold. It’s my personal opinion that Twilight Princess will be the last Zelda game starring Link. All future iterations will star Tingle, who will ride around Hyrule on a giant ladybug searching for missing kittens.

Hell, SEGA has successfully diluted and ruined the Sonic franchise, it only makes sense that Nintendo would follow suit with Zelda, right?

Read more at Eurogamer, if you dare.

Virtua Tennis 3 Trailer, Anyone?


Eurogamer recently scored a trailer of SEGA’s upcoming Virtua Tennis 3—subtitled SEGA Professional Tennis. The music kind of sounds like a business training video, which is wierd. Also, the characters looks a little bit animatronic to me. Still the game itself looks pretty fun and it has a great history. I’m looking forward to it. Check out the trailer here.

—via Xboxic

Pre-order Wii Games at Best Buy

Are you tired of this graphic yet?

Reports are flying across the internet that Best Buy is now taking pre-orders for Wii games. A quick search for Wii on Best Buy’s website confirms it. Feel free to spend your real money on nonexistent copies of Red Steel, Super Mario Galaxy, or Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Interestingly, all three games have a ship date of 12/1/06, even though SSBB has been announced as a 2007 title. Silly Best Buy.

 —via Kotaku (you should read it, it’s funny)

2 Million DS Lites Still Doesn’t Satisfy

Okay, now copy this picture 2 million times.

According to, Nintendo is preparing to ramp up production of it’s phenomenally successful DS Lite. The company plans to raise production to 2 million units a month, up from the previous rate of 1.6 million.

As Kotaku points out, Japan snaps up 400,000 Lites a month already, leaving 1.6 for the rest of us. That’s 1.6 million for all of North America and Europe. I’d have to agree with that even 2 million may fall short of demand.

I hope you’re not waiting for Christmas to get yours, because you may be out of luck.

Rumble Roses On XBLM

I'm sure she's very intelligent

Just to prove that Dead or Alive hasn’t cornered the market on digital perversion, a demo of Rumble Roses XX dropped on LIVE last night. Aside from the pixelated vixens, I’m told the game also contains wrestling. I haven’t actually played it yet, so I couldn’t tell you. I’ve sure seen a lot of screenshots though.

DS Lite and the Magic Box

The fine folks at Penny Arcade got a pretty neat little package yesterday. Check out their free (free!) DS Lite:

[gv data=”MR8-718ecuQ”][/gv]

Of course, the most obvious question is “how the hell do I get a free DS Lite?” Surely you’re all thinking the same thing: “Why didn’t Sense get a free DS Lite? He’s our favorite blogger!”

First of all, thank you for your support. Second of all, I urge all of you to contact Nintendo immediately and tell them how you feel. Seriously, do it. I want one. Go ahead. No, no, it’s cool. I can wait.