I just watched Cliffy B’s E3 playtest of Gears of War. I have to say I wasn’t impressed. For the 360’s supposed “killer app”, Gears of War just wasn’t doing it for me. It may be fun to play, but it was boring as hell to watch. It didn’t help that Cliffy B. appeared to have God mode turned on. Watching the main character’s blood spatter repeatedly with no consequences wasn’t exactly thrilling. Not to mention the incredible amount of lead pumped into each enemy before it fell. Cliffy literally went through clip after clip to dispatch single enemies. Even with a shotgun at close range the baddies took two or three hits.
Headshots seemed to make no difference whatsoever. In a game that’s supposed to methodical—rather than run and gun—that makes no sense to me. Granted, this was a demo and I’m sure certain things aren’t in place, but I saw nothing that really grabbed my interest here. I suppose the actual act of taking cover looked nice. There were plenty of options from cover, including peek shots, blind firing, and just vaulting over low cover. That was actually pretty neat. The gunplay left something to be desired though.
I don’t know, maybe the graphics are mindblowing in the real world. I just wasn’t seeing the fun part. I guess I’ll find out when a demo hits.