Gears of War E3 Playtest

Raise the roof!

I just watched Cliffy B’s E3 playtest of Gears of War. I have to say I wasn’t impressed. For the 360’s supposed “killer app”, Gears of War just wasn’t doing it for me. It may be fun to play, but it was boring as hell to watch. It didn’t help that Cliffy B. appeared to have God mode turned on. Watching the main character’s blood spatter repeatedly with no consequences wasn’t exactly thrilling. Not to mention the incredible amount of lead pumped into each enemy before it fell. Cliffy literally went through clip after clip to dispatch single enemies. Even with a shotgun at close range the baddies took two or three hits.

Headshots seemed to make no difference whatsoever. In a game that’s supposed to methodical—rather than run and gun—that makes no sense to me. Granted, this was a demo and I’m sure certain things aren’t in place, but I saw nothing that really grabbed my interest here. I suppose the actual act of taking cover looked nice. There were plenty of options from cover, including peek shots, blind firing, and just vaulting over low cover. That was actually pretty neat. The gunplay left something to be desired though.

 I don’t know, maybe the graphics are mindblowing in the real world. I just wasn’t seeing the fun part. I guess I’ll find out when a demo hits.

SEGA Announces Next-Gen Golden Axe

Considering my recent SEGA rant, this announcement is like edible gold. A new Golden Axe is set to debut next year on the 360 and PS3. Maybe SEGA is finally seeing fit to resurrect all of its sequel deserving properties (Eternal Champions, please). Little was mentioned of the game, though a trailer is to be shown tomorrow at E3. I will be there (virtually) with bells on.

E3 Keynotes: Afterthoughts

Alright, this will likely be one of the last posts for a bit, unless I see something mammoth pop up. Frankly, E3 just has way too much information to be covered by one man—especially one who isn’t actually there. Although I do have to mention the new Golden Axe, which is coming up right after I’m done writing this post.

Now that the keynote speeches have come and gone, what are we left with?

Continue reading “E3 Keynotes: Afterthoughts”

I Belong to Halo

It’s raining outside, but it’s all sunny New Mombasa in my head. I finally laid eyes on the delicious trailer. I kept myself from watching it online at work yesterday, just so I could see it on my TV in HD. Sure enough, I got goosebumps. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can stop reading now.

First off, it’s gorgeous. The demo is real-time, using the current version of Bungie’s Halo 3 engine. Simply amazing. The music is haunting and inspiring, as we’ve come to expect from the series. It even has its own American Beauty-style piano riff now. All I can say is I’m damned excited. Say what you will, but I am a Halo fanboy through and through. I’ve played the games, devoured the books, and the Master Chief himself is currently watching over my DVD collection. I can’t wait for the next book and the upcoming Halo graphic novel.

This trailer raises all kinds of questions. Is that the Ark we see at the end of the trailer? I read a post yesterday that said the trailer proves that Cortana is going rampant. While I don’t doubt that she is, I don’t really think the trailer proves it. Whatever the case, it’s at least seven months and twenty-two days before we’ll know for sure—and that’s if the game came out New Year’s Day 2007.

Oh, it can’t come soon enough.

Microsoft E3 Conference: Xbox LIVE is Super!

No live webcasts of the Microsoft conference unfortunately. As such, I won’t regurgitate what other sites are already covering. Suffice it to say, Microsoft thinks Xbox LIVE is the bees knees. It’s going to be integrated into Windows Vista and cell phones of all things. I really wish they would feature their actual games a little more prominently, but oh well. The HD-DVD drive was shown. Looks small and sleek, but no price mentioned. The camera was shown, of course. And they capped it off with a trailer for Halo 3. If you’d care to check out that trailer yourself, head over to I will be waiting to get home and download it in creamy HD goodness—along with the thousand other trailers I downloaded yesterday.

And that’s all I have to say about that. If you own a 360, you don’t need me to tell you about E3 happenings. Just go download them yourself.

Until I saw a few pics from the Halo 3 trailer, I had forgotten the games ability to make my hair stand on end. I can’t tell you how many times I watched the first Halo 2 teaser trailer. I won’t even read the description of the new trailer for fear of spoilers.

Oh, this has been a good day.

—check out Joystiq’s coverage of the conference here.

No Blu-ray Movies for Low End PS3? [Update]

No soup for you!

Cruising around the ‘net waiting for the Nintendo keynote to start I came across this on Evil Avatar. Basically what is says is that the “cheap” PS3 will not support HDMI. HDMI is needed for HDCP copyright protection. Copyright protection is needed to play Blu-ray movies. You see where I’m going with this? Without HDMI, the low end PS3 may not be able to play Blu-ray movies at all. I can’t imagine Sony shooting themselves in their collective feet so blatantly, so let’s chalk this one up to speculation for now. If it’s true, all I can say is wow.

UPDATE—contibutor SuicideNinja (no relation) has a better explanation. Apparently, if the copyright protection is imposed, it would limit the resolution on non-HDMI connections. Check out the comments for the full story.

8-bit Ninja Hits 1,000!

Come on party people

Word comes down from the only main desk that 8-bit Ninja has reached the 1,000 hit mark. That’s right 1,000 unique (special and creative) users have visited this establishment since it’s rebirth in April—add my visits to the site and we’re probably closer to 2,000. Thanks for making it happen. Some disappointing news though: my visitor to comment ratio is severely lacking. Including the two spam bots, it’s about 1 in 100 visitors. Ouch. But I don’t care. Your silent approval is all I need. I’ll be keeping track of the goings on at E3, so keep checking for more info.

Sony E3 Keynote: Expensive Motion Control

Okay, obviously I haven’t been covering this thing live, being the non-paid, recreational blogger that I am. I’ll leave that to Joystiq. The stuff you care about is this:

  • US $499 for the 20GB model
  • US $599 for the 60GB
  • Controller looks just like the Dual Shock, but with motion sensing abilities (not sure if it has actual position detection a la Wii)
  • US Launch date of November 17th

So, PS3 is playing catch-up with Nintendo and coming in a full $200 dollars more expensive than the cheapest version of the 360. Meanwhile, Microsoft is left in the dust with no motion sensing control. Some actual demos were shown, many being promised as playable at the show. Cool.

Microsoft and Nintendo keynotes tomorrow. I am giddy.

Check out the Joystiq link above for more details.

—if anybody wants to change my “non-paid blogger” status, contact me immediately :)

Yuji Naka Moves On [Update 2]

Up, Down, Left, Right, A, Start

Wow. Lots of crazy SEGA news today. Next-Gen is reporting that Yuji Naka—creator of Sonic the Hedgehog—has left SEGA. Naka wll be forming his own company—labeled Prope, meaning “‘beside’ or ‘near’ future”—that will wil officially open for business on June 1st. As noted by other sites, this makes it clear that Naka has had little to do with the development of Sonic Next-Gen. Although, considering the quality of recent Sonic titles, that may not be a bad thing. I wonder if this also means the dissolution of Sonic Team. What of the ever talked-about Nights Into Dreams sequel? Will Naka have license to any SEGA characters? Who’s making the new Monkey Ball then?

SEGA is apparently donating 10 percent of Prope’s startup capital, so there doesn’t seem to be any bad blood. I can’t tell if SEGA is falling apart or just going through changes that should have happened years ago.

Update: Thanks for the link Joystiq. And welcome to Joystiq readers.

Update the second: Okay, apparently this entry has been linked to I don’t have access to that site, as it is subscription based. Anybody care to clue me in? Send me a screen capture maybe? Leave me a comment if you got here via Total Fark, I’d appreciate it. You can also hit me up via the Contact page. Thanks, Sense.