Bungie Makes Fun of Cheaters

Get those cheaters, STAT!

Cruising Bungie.net, as I am wont to do, I found this. Bungie has published a few emails from banned cheaters. Pleading for shortened sentences or offering to turn in other offenders, these cheaters will say anything to be unbanned. The rest of us can sit back and enjoy the hilarity. I haven’t played Halo 2 for a while. Maybe I should boot it up. My favorite email:

The gamer tag –blam!- is wrongfully accused for cheating. He should not be suspended on a wrong default. To most casualties, this game is taken very seriously. Most just leave feedback over jealously of rank, sense a overwhelming percentage of X-Box Live players cheat for their levels. This person has not done “Modding”, “Standbying”, or “Bridging” of that kind. If Bungie seriously wanted to suspend someone of doing something along the line of cheating, then look over some stats. If none of these accusation are settle, you may be hearing from a lot of complaints. Some may be said by lawyers.

Inconclusive, I hope you consider to un suspend –blam!- Thank you for your time.

Don’t you just love it when people try to sound smart? I sure do.

Thanks for the link Joystiq. And welcome to Joystiq readers.

Where’d I Go?

No posts yesterday. I had stuff to do, you know? Actually, I was spending some time yesterday trying to get my video player up and running. It should be working pretty soon, so you can all bask in video goodness. The first video? Elite Beat Agents, the crazy Japanese dance/action game for the DS! Formerly known as Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! in Japan, the game is both wacky and zany. The video shows a man getting fired. Somewhere, in a secret bunker, agents are sent out to right this wrong…by dancing, I guess. It’s very strange. And soon you can see it for yourself. Sit tight.

Win Bets With GIDb


You ever wonder which Bond flick had Christopher Walken as the villain? Just look it up on IMDB, right? What about the first game to feature co-operative play? Why, look it up on GIDb of course! Carnegie Mellon University has just created the Game Innovation Database (GIDb). Professor Jesse Schell, one of GIDb’s founders, explains it thus:

“We have created the Game Innovation Database in order to create a historical record of which innovations appeared when, and why they are important… So many videogame innovations have occurred so fast that there is a danger that many fascinating and important innovations will be forgotten.”

A quick visit to the site confirms that it’s basically a wiki for game info. As such, it may take a while for all of the info to be truly validated. Still, it’s a pretty neat idea. So, which game featured the first power-ups ever (hint: wokka wokka)? Start placing your bets now. A note for the future GIDb administrators: buy gidb.com before someone else does.

—via Game Politics

My Arms Hurt

She's a girl?

I left my little website alone all weekend and it’s still here. What a relief. I seem to have a handful of people who actually visit this site of their own volition now. That’s nice.

 I finished up Zero Mission this weekend. It’s pretty good, though it is indeed short. As I intimated before, I purchased the game to see Zero Suit Samus. I will not say that the Zero Suit was worth the price of admission by itself, but it is an interesting section of the game. Overall, the game serves as a return to form after the break that was Fusion (I liked that one, too, by the way.)

Now I need to wrap up Hunters. Then I will go have some Metroid cereal and sleep under Metroid sheets, just to complete my ascension to true nerdhood. I find myself avoiding Hunters a lot. Primarily I think this is because of the cramp inducing controls. I helped my friends move into a new house this weekend, and the next day I played some tennis. As such, it hurts just to type right now, much less grip my DS with my patented Metroid Prime: Hunters Claw ™.

In other news, I ordered the official VGA cable for my 360 last week. It should be here in another day or so. I purchased it mainly because of the horizontal shift of all my games when using component cables. It’s only a centimeter or so off in 1080i. In 720p it’s closer to an inch. I can fix it—only in 1080i—by changing my TV’s horizontal settings. Thing is, I wants my 720p. Yeah, I’m one of those guys. At any rate, I’ve heard that component cables on the 360 tend to make the picture a little dark, and I can’t argue with that assessment. I’ll be sure and let you know what difference VGA makes.

Face the (ch-ch) Changes

Not exactly exciting news, but I’ve made some changes around the site. You probably won’t notice any of them though, because I’ve basically been cutting stuff that nobody used anyway. I’ve decided to open up my old forums, which, ironically, were much nicer than my new forums. Before they are actually open again I have to make some upgrades and such. Soon they will be back and better than ever—or, more to the point, exactly how they used to be. Stay tuned.

E3 ’06: Wii Games Ran on Gamecubes

The new Wii design?

Take a look at that picture. Near the bottom, in the rat’s nest of wire. It’s silver with holes. That’s right, it’s a Gamecube! Apparently Nintendo was running all Wii software from Gamecubes during E3. This has led some to hope that the graphics of the final releases will be better. Take it for what you will, I just found it interesting.

—check out the orignal story on wiinintendo.net for bigger pics.

Movin’ On Up

I have just been granted access to Nintendo’s press website. I understand this really doesn’t mean much, as many developers’ press sites are open to the general public, but it makes me feel particularly awesome.

This means I get to go to E3 next year, right?