I left my little website alone all weekend and it’s still here. What a relief. I seem to have a handful of people who actually visit this site of their own volition now. That’s nice.
I finished up Zero Mission this weekend. It’s pretty good, though it is indeed short. As I intimated before, I purchased the game to see Zero Suit Samus. I will not say that the Zero Suit was worth the price of admission by itself, but it is an interesting section of the game. Overall, the game serves as a return to form after the break that was Fusion (I liked that one, too, by the way.)
Now I need to wrap up Hunters. Then I will go have some Metroid cereal and sleep under Metroid sheets, just to complete my ascension to true nerdhood. I find myself avoiding Hunters a lot. Primarily I think this is because of the cramp inducing controls. I helped my friends move into a new house this weekend, and the next day I played some tennis. As such, it hurts just to type right now, much less grip my DS with my patented Metroid Prime: Hunters Claw ™.
In other news, I ordered the official VGA cable for my 360 last week. It should be here in another day or so. I purchased it mainly because of the horizontal shift of all my games when using component cables. It’s only a centimeter or so off in 1080i. In 720p it’s closer to an inch. I can fix it—only in 1080i—by changing my TV’s horizontal settings. Thing is, I wants my 720p. Yeah, I’m one of those guys. At any rate, I’ve heard that component cables on the 360 tend to make the picture a little dark, and I can’t argue with that assessment. I’ll be sure and let you know what difference VGA makes.
Zero Mission is just a remake of the original Metroid, but they added some optional stuff to make it a little longer. I like it because it’s Super Metroid style instead of….NES style.
Someone got me to the top of Containment with a Spectre yesterday. That was far from dark *rubs eyes*. =)