In a dazzling moment, Sony Ireland executive Niall O’Hanrahan made a bold statement recently. Niall spake thus:
“We have a marketing challenge from now until launch. This is not a done deal. It will require a lot of effort from us.”
“We would never say we cannot fail.”
Let me be the first to say, “Whaaaaa?” Adding more fuel to the crazy fire, Mr. Ohanrahan had this to say:
“Competition is now not limited to direct competition. We compete with MP3 players. We noticed at E3 that games for PCs are back.”
We noticed that PC games are back, huh? By “we”, do you mean “my buddy Phil Harrison and me,” because I think he might disagree with you. Because, you know, he said that the PS3 would replace your PC and all.
What kind of world do we live in when a Sony executive can admit the possibility of defeat?
—via Eurogamer
“We noticed at E3 that games for PCs are back.”
Wait, where did they go? I don’t ever remember PC games disappearing any time recently. Crazy freaking Sony…