Rainbow Six: Vegas Interview


In their continuing E3 coverage, Xbox.com has posted an interview with the developers of Rainbow Six: Vegas. While I’m not sure I agree that Las Vegas is “awe inspiring”, I am excited about this game. Besides the obvious location, one interesting new feature mentioned is rappelling and “fast roping”. These skills will allow players to take their game to more vertical realms. The online component looks to build on the persistent character creation of the last game, though the developers assure that skilled players will still be able to compete with those who have better equipment. Some sort of website stat tracking is also planned but was not elaborated upon in the interview. Another cryptic quote: “We plan to use Marketplace in ways no other titles have done so far.” What does that mean? True episodic content perhaps? I’m guessing it’s overinflated marketing talk but we’ll wait and see. Expect more info at E3.

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